欧米では昨年後半に公開されて、日本では3月4日から公開される予定の「マネー・ショート 華麗なる大逆転」は、2009年に起きたリーマンショックのすぐあとで刊行された(執筆構想は2006年ころからと序には書いてある)マイケル・ルイスのノンフィクション『世紀の空売り 世界経済の破綻に賭けた男たち』の映画化です。ただ、原書のエピソードをつまみ食いした映画であり、かなりの脚色・追加もあります。




In the film recently released “The Big Short”, I like how Mr. Steve Carell acted as Mr. Mark Baum, a hedge fund manager (this character is actually Mr. Eisman in the original best seller book written by Michael Lewis).  The screenplay writer and Director of the film is Mr. Adam McKay who wrote many comedy series of TV. Steve Carell demonstrated a frenzy and greedy life of a typical competent Wall Street manager, and later on, showed a human and ethical side of an ordinary family man when he discovered scary and ridiculous correlations of derivatives like a synthetic collateralized debt obligation, aka “CDO”. The film is largely based on episodes included in the book but probably ordinary film viewers without deep knowledge of derivatives found it hard to understand the nature of financial products which caused Lehman Brothers shock.  Director and screenplay writer Adam McKay introduced a few useful explanations which I did not find in the original book.  They are a tower piled up by many wood blocks from CCC rating to AAA rating (lower CCC rating blocks are rotten) shown by Mr. Ryan Gosling acting as Jared Vennett, a Deutsche Bank bond manager (in the original book, this character is actually Greg Lippmann) who tried to sell his idea of housing mortgage Credit Default Swap to Mr. Baum, and a cooking scene where my favorite American celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain added left over fish pieces in a casserole with fresh fish meat and vegetable to explain the general concept of derivatives.  These are useful visual explanation of mathematical statistical rules and somehow a Ponzi mechanism of CDO.

For readers of the original book who found the book too difficult, the Big Short is a very good introductory film to understand what caused Lehman shock and why it will come back again, sooner than we predict, I am afraid. 

